Solar Power Plant For Water Station (141.5Kwp)

Solar Power Plant For Water Station (141.5Kwp)
- Under the supervision of the United Nations organization (UN) in collaboration with the IHR organization, We have supplied, installed, and implemented a solar power generation station using 255 solar panels with a total capacity of 141.5Kwp to provide the necessary electrical power to operate all pumps for a minimum of 4.5 hours in winter and 9 hours in summer.
- It contains one submersible pump (110kW).
- Also, a diesel generator with a capacity of 200kVA was supplied and installed, connected using a 400A ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) panel.
- All the inverters used are hybrid type and operate with MPPT technology, As for the panels, they are bifacial – half-cell with a capacity of 575W per panel.